Τρίτη 10 Ιουλίου 2007



Think and play safe. At all times use appropriate means of transporting your replica to and from the skirmishing site, meaning use a transport bag or case, especially in urban terrain.

You are using replicas, realistic looking toys. Using an un-realistic looking weapon does kill the Mil-Sim spirit with other players and skirmishers. Keeping this in mind, we appeal to you, to use replicas that are being used in real life situations or very close to that, which further down the line means, carefully selecting external, primarily visual upgrades carefully, in accordance with the realistic look. For instance using "western" armament and "eastern" optics is in somewhat contradiction with the Mil-Sim philosophy. Batteries taped to the replica, extra large, home made HiCap magazines and hunting scopes on SMG's are unwanted or prohibited.


Since Mil-Sim is intended to recreate real life scenarios it is of the high importance, that the players and skirmishers do not abuse the airsoft characteristic of their replicas. Hop-Up effect abuse, where rotating the replica for 180 degrees around the bore axis and using this to effectively eliminate targets behind a hill or other cover is unacceptable. Same goes for blind firing, where the replica is either turned around the corner or lifted above the cover to shoot at the enemy without aiming at the target and clearly identifying it. Such abuse is in direct violation with the Mil-Sim philosophy. So try not to make use of it.


Armament within the Red Tigers is directly conditioned with the mission objectives which are placed upon the unit. At the same time size and operator compatibility and uniformed visual appearance are also key factors in determining the armament within the Tigers. Armament is primarily divided into main groups, which we will look at later on. Allowed armament is all the armament found in the list. Denote "MANDATORY" at each category indicates, that every member must posses such a weapon. Denote "OPTIONAL" indicates that the choice to use and obtain such a weapon are left to team members discretion.


Only standard capacity magazines
, LowCap, RealCap and MidCap magazines is allowed our Mil-Sim skirmishing. HiCap magazines are allowed for replicas that in real life situations use higher capacity magazines, such as crew served weapons/squad automatic weapons.


Replicas are divided into groups, according to their size, original weapon caliber (which the replica emulates) and the purpose of the replica. All limitations are set as a reference for test firing for the purpose of determining muzzle velocity or projectile power with a 0,20g BB at the replica muzzle. Allowed deviation is +-10 FPS.

Typical representative: Glock 17, Beretta M92, Sig P226

Maximum muzzle velocity : 350 FPS

Minimum safety distance: 2 m

Mode of operation: Semi-Auto


Typical representative: MP5 variations, P90 variations

Maximum muzzle velocity : 350 fps

Minimum safety distance: 5 m

Mode of operation: Semi-Auto/Full-Auto

Assault Carbines/Assault Rifles
Typical representative: AK variations, M16 variations, G36 variations
Maximum muzzle velocity : 400 fps
Minimum safety distance: 10 m
Mode of operation: Semi-Auto/Full-Auto

Squad Automatic Weapons

Typical representative: M60 variations, M249 variations, MG36,

Maximum muzzle velocity : 450 fps

Minimum safety distance: 15 m

Mode of operation: Full-Auto Only

* SAWs must have a bipod

Squad Advanced/Designated Marksman Rifle

Typical representative: SPR, SAM-R, MSG90, SR-25, SL8, SL9,

Maximum muzzle velocity : 450 fps

Minimum safety distance: 15 m

Mode of operation: Semi-Auto/Full-Auto

*Minimum length of the weapon must not be less than 80cm

*Must use optical sight of no less than 2x power

Bot action/Manually operated rifles

Typical representative: M40A1, SSG, L96, M700

Maximum muzzle velocity : 500 fps

Minimum safety distance: 30 m

*Minimum length of the weapon must not be less than 80cm

*Must use optical sight of no less than 3x power

Testing is performed with using 0.20g BB's, hop-up is set to optimum setting, not necessary to be unwind, testing is done with 10 shots fired on semi-automatic fire
. Maximum allowed discrepancy is set to 5% to compensate for air humidity and temperature!

All replicas that exceed the factor of 350 FPS must NOT be used in night skirmishes and /or inside buildings and confined spaces (CQB).

For skirmishes performed within confined spaces and inside builldings minimum engagement distance is lowered to 3 metres!

ALL replicas must employ the minimum engagement distance set for their type. Meaning, that engaging of targets within the safety area, which is designated by the semi-diameter of the minimum engagement distance set for their class is strictly PROHIBITED!

1 σχόλιο:

ZOSO είπε...

I crush your bones, I kill your face
I rip your flesh, I end the chase
You meet with terror, you draw the ace
I rule the world the rats that race.
My strength is hatred, torment and pain, HATRED, HATRED
With heart filled hatred black blood runs through my veins.

Livin' in fear ain't livin to me
I'm armed with a gun defending the free
They blew it in 'Nam
Shot up my friends
I'm back in the street
The fight never ends
I was born with a gun in my hand
I'll die for my country
But I'll die like a man

Violence and Bloodshed
Violence and Bloodshed
Violence and Bloodshed