In every man’s life there are very few occasions when SIZE DOES MATER. This is one of these moments. A Designated Marksman Rifle can’t be short. The extended length of the barrel helps for the tight groupings that every shooter desires. Ladies and Gents, after the previous 2 wonders of modern airsoft gunsmithing, I present you the WD14 DMR “HADUR”.
The name as always implies its origin. WD is our team’s gunsmith who performed his best on this beast. 14 is the number of the model, DMR describes its role and Hadur is the God of War in the Hungarian Mythology. So on with some classes. The Hungarians the last 1000 years are Christians but they have a very strong background of Shamanistic Mythology. According to this the world is divided in three spheres:
The first is the Upper World (Felső világ), the home of the Gods,
The second is our place (Középső világ - Middle World)
and the last is the underworld (Alsó Világ).
In the center of our world, a tall tree is standing: the Világfa, in English, the World Tree. Its foliage is the Upper World, the Középső Világ is located at its stem, and the underworld is around its roots. In some stories, the tree even has fruits: these are the golden apples.
The Gods and Good souls are living in the Upper World. Gods have the same rank, although the most important figure of them is Isten (the word itself simply means 'God' in Hungarian). He controls the world, shapes the fate of humans, observes our world from the sky, and sometimes warns us by lightning (mennykő). Isten created the world with the help of Ördög ("the devil" Evil). Other gods include: Istenanya (Mother God), Hadúr (the god of war) and Boldogasszony (Blessed Mistress) and so on.
The major celestial bodies (Sun and Moon) are also located in the Upper World. The sky was thought to be a big tent held by the World Tree. There are several holes on it: they are the stars.
I wanted the gun to stand out with its performance. Our gunsmith advised me to stay in the 440 fps area since this is the limit for AEGs in
The only change on the external look of the rifle is the bipod and the scope. The bipod is metal and can be removed at will. In the near future I am considering about replacing it with a Harris style bipod which can be attached via a typical 20mm rail. Aiming is assisted by the same 2x42mm Red Dot Scope like with the WD36sc “TURUL”. The combination of bipod and scope (with full magazine and 8,4V large battery) gives the beast a good weight of 5, 5 kilos, which separates the men from the boys…

The original barrel is described as tight bore on the box and it’s somehow true. The diameter is close to 6,04 mm although the quality of it it’s not the finest. It was replaced by a Prometheus 6,03mm precision one. The length of it is 50 cm, which helps a lot to the tight groupings I wanted.

Our gunsmith threw in there a
- M140 spring
- Guarder bushing (double oil channel)
- Spring guide (bearing, metal)
- Systema aluminium piston
- Systema piston head
- Systema teflon cylinder
After all these modifications the rifles gives me an initial velocity of 475 fps and an effective range of 55 meters with the maximum being around 65 meters with G&P 0,28gr BBs.

The only obvious con of the God of War is the size. With 6 kilos of weight and 1,1 meters length is definetely a rifle that you don't want to carry around for a big amount of time. Here is a photo to compare. I am just 1,7 meters tall so the beast is like 2/3 of my size...

1 σχόλιο:
my frend you are totaly crazy!!!!
nice rifle!!
George "Butcher" McTalas
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