Allright guys, it's time for some Red Tigers Art. Nothing fancy...Check it out.
In every man’s life there are very few occasions when SIZE DOES MATER. This is one of these moments. A Designated Marksman Rifle can’t be short. The extended length of the barrel helps for the tight groupings that every shooter desires. Ladies and Gents, after the previous 2 wonders of modern airsoft gunsmithing, I present you the WD14 DMR “HADUR”.
The name as always implies its origin. WD is our team’s gunsmith who performed his best on this beast. 14 is the number of the model, DMR describes its role and Hadur is the God of War in the Hungarian Mythology. So on with some classes. The Hungarians the last 1000 years are Christians but they have a very strong background of Shamanistic Mythology. According to this the world is divided in three spheres:
The first is the Upper World (Felső világ), the home of the Gods,
The second is our place (Középső világ - Middle World)
and the last is the underworld (Alsó Világ).
In the center of our world, a tall tree is standing: the Világfa, in English, the World Tree. Its foliage is the Upper World, the Középső Világ is located at its stem, and the underworld is around its roots. In some stories, the tree even has fruits: these are the golden apples.
The Gods and Good souls are living in the Upper World. Gods have the same rank, although the most important figure of them is Isten (the word itself simply means 'God' in Hungarian). He controls the world, shapes the fate of humans, observes our world from the sky, and sometimes warns us by lightning (mennykő). Isten created the world with the help of Ördög ("the devil" Evil). Other gods include: Istenanya (Mother God), Hadúr (the god of war) and Boldogasszony (Blessed Mistress) and so on.
The major celestial bodies (Sun and Moon) are also located in the Upper World. The sky was thought to be a big tent held by the World Tree. There are several holes on it: they are the stars.
I wanted the gun to stand out with its performance. Our gunsmith advised me to stay in the 440 fps area since this is the limit for AEGs in
The only change on the external look of the rifle is the bipod and the scope. The bipod is metal and can be removed at will. In the near future I am considering about replacing it with a Harris style bipod which can be attached via a typical 20mm rail. Aiming is assisted by the same 2x42mm Red Dot Scope like with the WD36sc “TURUL”. The combination of bipod and scope (with full magazine and 8,4V large battery) gives the beast a good weight of 5, 5 kilos, which separates the men from the boys…
The original barrel is described as tight bore on the box and it’s somehow true. The diameter is close to 6,04 mm although the quality of it it’s not the finest. It was replaced by a Prometheus 6,03mm precision one. The length of it is 50 cm, which helps a lot to the tight groupings I wanted.
Our gunsmith threw in there a
After all these modifications the rifles gives me an initial velocity of 475 fps and an effective range of 55 meters with the maximum being around 65 meters with G&P 0,28gr BBs.
Before the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel, man lived in primitive conditions…and then came the Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947!!!! This never-getting old design was firstly brought to life in 1947 by the brilliant Tank engineer and designer Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.
One of his children was the AKMSU. The name alone is fairly unknown. Let’s say that is a version of the AKM with a folding stock and the father of the AKS 74U. The name itself implies a stamped receiver (M), a folding stock (S) and short size (U). It never hit mass production. It was made in limited quantities, for a short period of time. It was used in the 60s and 70s by Border Police, Special Police Units and the Spetsnaz. It chambers the 7.62 x 39mm. It is quite compact and its great advantage is its very small weight which is only 2,8 kg.
The gun was purchased from Zephir, a member of a local team called “Gyontatok” which means “The Confessors”. It started its carrier as a humble CYMA C028s. When I saw it I knew I just had to have it. So, I present you the AKMSU “Farkas”. Farkas literally means “tailed” in Hungarian but the name was inspired by the Nadi Farkasok, a kind of wolf which used to live in the Hungarian steppe (puszta) hiding in reedy territories. This animal has already extinct but there are several references of it in the Hungarian folklore and literature.
On to the gun now…
The custom work consists of
The upgrade work was done by WD (like the 80% of the AEGs in
The gun is very light due to the plastic lower receiver (but very sturdy, that is mistaken for metal) and the absence of a full stock. Using the front integrated pistol grip and with the help of the 2-point sling it can be maneuvered without the use of the stock. That fact gives it a very big advantage compared to all the other CQB weapons…
The Rate of Fire is amazingly high due to the Tokyo Marui EG1000 motor and can empty the G&P MidCap magazine in no time…
I noticed that in full auto it will empty almost all the BBs in the magazine except the last 2 or 3 which is a very positive feature.
With the stock open the natural position of the head is exactly where it is supposed to be in order to align with the sights.
The flash hider can be removed and it reveals a counter clock wise thread. That makes it convenient for me since I already own a silencer that can be used with that.
Time has gone by and there is some feedback... The gun served me well and it still does. The size and weight is so comfy for CQB and woodland games, besides the low FPS. For closed spaces it so easy to carry it around and i will find it very difficult to replace it with another... The only negative point about it is the not so great working hop-up system. It tends to overwork all the time. The extremely positive about it is the sound. Due to the thin gear box the sound of it it resembles the hardcore "bracka bracka" of the real one...None said that AKs are known for the sweetness of their melody...
7 months ago I rediscovered Airsoft and its pleasures. The potentials for an AEG, endless. I was scanning the market for a compact size, preferably light rifle. The M4 series seemed a good start, but I was looking something more advanced…The G36 family caught my attention…To cut a long story short I decided to purchase the Classic Army G36c. The looks of the rifle is unique, the job on the surface made by CA excellent, the weight balance superb…
It stayed stock for about 6 months and it actually served me well in both woodland and CQB games with the 315 fps (chrono’ed with .20 gr BBs). Since I got my hands on a MP5A5 (also made by Classic Army) for CQB games only, it was about time to upgrade the 36…After a lot of searching, installing, un-installing I proudly present to you the WD36sc “Turul”.
Let’s start with the name. The first part “WD” is homage to our team’s gunsmith who performed the upgrade and goes with the codename WD. The middle part is the code of the rifle obviously and the last part “sc” stands for “silenced compact” to describe the use of a silencer and the compact size of the rifle. The “Turul” part is my personal tribute and a sign of admiration to the Great Hungarian nation that has embraced me in the best of manners. Now, some words about the Turul.
The Turul is a giant mythical falcon, a messenger of god in the Hungarian mythology, who sits on top of the tree of life along with the other spirits of unborn children in the form of birds.
In the mythology the Turul is mentioned at least twice to shape the fate of the Hungarians:
According to the legend of origin of the Αrpad clan, it was the divine intervention of God, through his messenger the Turul, which founded the royal family. The following is a recounting of the legend by the chronicler "Anonymous", the royal scribe of King Bela III (1172-1196). In the year of our lord 819, Agyek, the descendant of King Magog and a royal leader of the
The second time, the leader of the Hungarian tribes had a dream where eagles attacked their horses and a Turul came and saved them, to symbolise that they have to move, and when they did, the Turul helped them to show the way and led them finally to the land that became Hungary.
The great mythical Turul bird of prey is one of the most important symbols of the Hungarians. It represents their god's power and will. The Hungarian Turul is often represented carrying the flaming Sword of God.
Now with the actual upgrade. I wanted something that will stand out both internally and externally.
The 24cm inner barrel didn’t match my criteria for a woodland rifle. That was replaced with a 36cm Tanio Koba twist barrel (M4 inner barrel length). To cover the extended length a Tokyo Marui Pro Short silencer is used. It sounds fake but if works as a sound suppressor (due to the foam insert) if the inner barrel is shorter than the length of the silencer, which is not the case in mine…
The gear box remained the original since it can take 120 or more spring upgrades. The spring was replaced by a Systema M120. That gives the AEG an initial velocity of around 410 fps which I believe should be around the limit for woodland games…At first there was a HurricanE SP120 spring installed that pushed the beast up to 440 fps but that is passed the fps limits for Hungary and it would create more problems in the future (need of a 9,6V large battery, upgraded gears and so on…).
Then a HurricanE Full Tune Kit was installed to maintain the AEG’s reliability. This consists of the following items:
The original G36 magazines are for sure a sight for sore eyes but they are quite bulky. In any typical double magazine pouch can fit only one G36 style mag. That forces the operator of the rifle to carry double the number of pouches compared to an AR user for the same amount of ammo. The advantage of clipping them together never actually appealed to me, so I decided that they had to go…In the market there is the Magwell Conversion Kit made by PPA which was the answer to my needs. This kit is easy as hell to install. Just unscrew the small pin that holds the magwell in place, remove it and place the new one. It is made by the same rigid plastic that the rest of the body is and the colour matches perfectly. I have tried CA, G&P, G&G, TM and MAG magazines and they all feed smoothly. In my case I use the MAG M4 style midcap magazines made for H&K’s HK416. They come in a mat black colour and the inscriptions on them are so sweet…
In general the H&K sights are a blast to use. Very easy to adjust, quick to aim, etc…but don’t you just hate it when you try to aim through a Red Dot scope and they get in the way? Well, I do. I removed the original open sights and I was trying to trace a source for those wonderful MP7 flip up ones but in vain. I couldn’t find them individually, only on the MP7 itself. So, I followed another way. I bought some Armalite style flip up sights as stated:
The sights are very well made, but…here comes the modification buggy man again…They don’t align (the front one sits very high) since the front one is made for the M4 SR15 and the rear one is made for a plain flat top M4. After testing the AEG I realised that they work only if the front sight is attached above the hand guard. I sacrificed one of the rails that mama CA provided me with. It was cut to the desired length and a new hole was drilled to attach the srew. Both of them were secured with 2 small locknuts which are hidden in the hand guard, nowhere visible…
For the aiming of my project an Action 2x42 mm Red/Green Dot Scope is used. I strongly believe that anything with a higher than 2x magnification is an exaggeration for Airsoft use unless it’s a 500 fps bolt action Sniper Rifle…The only con of this scope is that the objective lens is actually 42mm but the image that comes to your field of view is only 25mm but it gets the job done nevertheless.
The front sling hook was removed to lighten the fore end of the rifle. Then a First Factory sling hook pin was installed. This gives the advantage of being able to have the gun resting on a more upright position when not in use and being hanged from a 3-point sling.
The AEG runs still on an 8,4V battery. It would be better to use a 9,6V one due to the low ROF but the factory hand guard has a limited space. My options would be the following:
The truth is that I don’t fancy the looks of them all, so I stayed with the original option. In the last big game I put about 8 midcaps through my AEG (about 800 BBs in total) and the battery still had juice to give me, so no worries (anyway, I carry 2 extra batteries in my survival waist pack, so…)